If the Walls Could Speak... What Stories Would They Tell?
A photo exhibit of community murals-
Community murals are more than paintings on the wall. They encourage communities to dig into their histories, memorialize loved ones, express diverse identities, honour the land, name critical issues, brighten streets and alleys, tell stories of local people, and envision a healthier community.
They are as much about the process of telling stories as they are about artists working collaboratively with community members to design and paint murals. They can spark conversation, inspire action, make a place unique.
This exhibit features murals from California, Detroit and Toronto, focusing on diverse social themes, sites and styles.
Photographs are by York University professor Deborah Barndt, along with graduate students Catherine Campbell, Sarah Dexter, Kris Erickson, Peggy Harowitz, Avi Lambert, Sabrina Malach, Andie Shabbar, Melanie Skene, and Tanisha Sri Bhaggiyadatta. Andie Shabbar assisted with the printing and mounting of the photographs.
The exhibit was originally created to stimulate community involvement in the Painting Our Stories: Parkdale – Roncesvalles Community Mural Project in Toronto. It involves a collaboration between local community organizations, residents associations, and BIA’s with artists and students in the Community Arts Practice Program at York University, co-sponsored by the Faculties of Environmental Studies and Fine Arts.